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LIPA continues to achieve The Investors in People Gold Standard award

Tuesday 20 December 2016

LIPA continues to achieve The Investors in People Gold Standard award

This internationally recognised accreditation was first awarded to the institution in 2013 and positioned LIPA as one of the first specialist performing arts higher education institutions in the UK to achieve the accolade. The gold standard is currently only achieved by the top 13% of IIP-accredited organisations within the UK.

LIPA was judged on areas such as staff development, leadership, management and strategy, and performance measurement. Staff across all areas participated in the recognition process by completing an online assessment to test alignment against the Standard. An IIP specialist also conducted face-to-face interviews with managers and staff, exploring, for instance, how staff and management communicate and how LIPA delivers strategic objectives.

LIPA attributes living the organisation’s values and behaviours to a gold standard as an important element in sustaining its performance in organisational management.

Mark Featherstone-Witty, LIPA’s Founding Principal and CEO, commented: “As a people institution, relying on each other, sharing a lived and understood ethos, being as open as we can be with information that affects everyone, relying on collaboration and trying to get better and better, this award means a lot, because we have been externally assessed against the best and this award recognises one of the highest achievements obtainable in this country for people management.”